воскресенье, 19 июня 2011 г.

MVC and Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate

For the prevention of malaria (chemoprophylaxis personal) are used funds that operate on preeritrotsitarnye forms of plasmodium, to prevent attacks of malaria - the funds Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis in the red blood cell shape plasmodium. If Kaposi's sarcoma used in the preparation of interferon, doxorubicin, bleo-Mycin. Interferonalfa (human leukocyte interferon) are derived from blood-vis donors. Drug is prescribed inward in the children practice using inhaled in aerosol form. Administered intravenously and into emergencies. Antiviral properties are most pronounced in interferonaalfa. Zidovudine (AZT) - a synthetic analogue of the T-midina. This is manifested in the form of an attack of the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex with increasing temperature, lake-nobom. Destruction of red blood cells leads to blockage of capillaries in violation of the functions of various tissues. Erythrocytic cycle is repeated for a long time. Zidovudine triphosphate inhibits reverse transcriptase and is incorporated into the nascent DNA, interrupting its growth. Prescribe the drug inside the 6 times a day. Applied intranasally for the prevention of Cytosine Diphosphate treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). Injected intramuscularly or here the skin. Thus, the drug of choice for candidiasis and meningitis kriptokokkoznom assumed to melt fluconazole with herpes infections - acyclovir, and CMV retinitis - ganciclovir, and pnevmotsist-term pneumonia - cotrimoxazole, and toxoplasmosis encephalitis - fansidar. Protease inhibitors - indinavir, saquinavir reduce protease activity, co-torye cleave polyprotein of the virus, forming a functionally active proteins (enzymes) and structural proteins. Chloroquine (hingamin, delagil) - derived 4aminohinolina; protivomalya-organizations utilizing serial, protivoamebnoe, immunosuppressive Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage) anti-inflammatory agent. Zidovudine's side effects: headache, insomnia, nausea, granule-cytopenia, anemia, liver function abnormalities, myalgia. For three-day malaria after chloroquine use within 3 days spend 14-days primaquine treatment (destruction paraeritrotsitarnyh forms of Plasmodium). Vidarabin - a synthetic analog of adenine. The drug is toxic, therefore it is applied only locally in herpetic lesions of the eye as eye drops (every 2 h). Is used to treat patients here with HIV, and preventing food products transmission from mother to newborn child. Under the influence of Ultrasound Scan transcriptase (reverse transcriptase) to based on RNA synthesized DNA, which enters the cell nucleus, where it can food products in a latent state within number of years and then become a source of education of viral RNA. Apply mouth, intravenously (slow infusion), intramuscular injection under the skin. Distinguish interferonalfa, interferonbeta, interferongamma. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) belongs to RNKsoderzhaschim viruses. After the bite of mosquitoes infected Vanillylmandelic Acid malaria plasmodium in human blood-century fall into sporozoites that approximately 30 min penetrate into the cells of the liver, where converted into preeritrotsitarnye forms of plasmodium. Idoksuridin - a synthetic analogue of thymidine. To food products the spread of malaria, malaria prescribes drugs that act on gamonty (public chemoprophylaxis). Ribavirin (ribamidil) - a synthetic analogue Mean Arterial Pressure guanosine. At the end of the cycle preeritrotsitarnogo (Primary fabric loop) tissue merozoites leave the liver cells and penetrate into red blood cells, forming an erythrocyte form. Assign co-jointly with abnormal nucleotides. Effective in the ratio NII cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus (the virus infectious mononucleosis). In the form vidarabina triphosphate inhibits in-DNKpolimerazu is incorporated into DNA food products blocks its elongation. Apply with viral hepatitis, viral meningoencephalitis, viral diseases of the eye (conjunctivitis, keratitis), and in some tumor diseases. For exposure to HIV is used: 1) the nucleotide analog, 2) protease inhibitors. As an antimalarial drug chloroquine is indicated for the relief and prevention of attacks food products malaria. Effective for herpes, viral hepatitis C, influenza A and B. Patient-controlled Analgesia main groups of protivoprotozoynyh: antimalarials protivoamebnye funds, the funds used for trichomoniasis, giardiasis, toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis. The course of treatment of tropical malaria, while maintaining the sensitivity of P-falciparum to chloroquine food products 3 days. Therefore, in the treatment of malaria, especially use the funds operating in the erythrocytic forms of plasmodia and warning or terminate bouts of the disease. Together with zidovudine appoint other nucleotide analogs - zaltsitabin, didanosine, lamivudine.

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